Pitch Debrief v 1.4.0

This version adds support for recording from and playing back data into multiple federations in a single Debrief Environment. Also includes several improvements to the Pitch Debrief web client.

Pitch Recorders used by Pitch Debrief must now be of version 3.2.0 or later.


  1. Training Session Templates have been removed. Training Sessions are now created as a blank slate. Instead, Debrief Environments are configured with one or several Data Streams. These will be added to the Training Session whenever it is deployed to the Environment. This enables support for recording and playing back data to multiple federations.
    • See Users Guide, Advanced Configuration Chapter for instructions on how to configure to play Training Sessions created in previous version of Pitch Debrief.
  2. Added a context menu to Bookmark Clusters with several features
    • Go to: Jump to the first bookmark in the cluster
    • Go to and play: Jump to the first bookmark in the cluster and enable all Pitch Talk voice channels in the entire cluster. Only applicable for Bookmark clusters with bookmarks generated by Pitch Talk communication events.
    • Zoom to cluster: Automatically adjust zoom level to match the start and end of the Bookmark cluster.
  3. Added support for Local Settings Designator when configuring connection to RTI.
  4. Added DIS configuration support.


  1. Updated bundled to OpenJDK 11.0.19
  2. Added installation of Pitch Debrief service
  3. Training Sessions are now order by creation date by default
  4. Several visual improvements in Debrief web client
  5. Disabling a deployment mode is now possible when configuring Debrief Environments. For example marking playback as disabled for a specific Environment.
  6. Added more bookmark filtering capabilities.
  7. Added HTTPS support when configuring the Debrief Web Server.
  8. Upgraded PostgreSQL JDBC driver to version 42.6.0

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