Take the time to catch up on the latest distributed simulation technologies with Pitch.
We will be hosting free webinars on a series of topics related to distributed simulation. See below for more information on upcoming sessions. Webinar presentations and demonstrations will be approximately 30 minutes long followed by Q&A with experts.
You can sign up by clicking on the desired session / time slot from the listing below.
Note that virtual seats are assigned on a first come, first served basis.
Have a topic that you’d like us to cover? Email us with your suggestions on [email protected]
Hope to see you there!
Pitch pRTI Features You Need to Know

Mikael Karlsson
Pitch pRTI gives you all the tools you need to develop, debug, evaluate, deploy and control your federates and federations. Join us in a look at five specific features of world’s premier commercial RTI:
- Control Center
- Friendly Errors
- Web View
- Trace Settings
- Mixing HLA versions
We will show how you can get an overview of your federation as well as access to detailed information about the activities of your federates. You will find how to access performance data, including call and callback rates, logical time, federate configuration and much more. pRTI also gives helpful error messages that include tips and advice on how to fix any errors. We will also take a quick look at how pRTI makes it possible to mix federates from different HLA versions.
The webinar presents a unique opportunity to hear from our lead RTI Developer with decades of experience. It is a must-attend for Systems Architects and Software Developers whether you are a current user of pRTI or interested in learning some of the most powerful features.
Experiences from the SISO SpaceFOM at the European Space Agency

Björn Möller and Steven Kay (GMV NSL)
Space organisations around the world use HLA based distributed simulation in support of combined operations from capability development and training to mission support. In 2020, Simulation Interoperability Standards Organisation (SISO) approved the HLA Space FOM open standard for space simulation interoperability following early adoptions within NASA and ESA. One of the early adopters is at the ESA funded Harwell Robotic and Autonomy Facility (HRAF) in the UK, which looks to provide advanced capabilities to support the development and testing of complex autonomous systems for the exploration of our Solar System.
In this webinar, Bjorn Moller from Pitch will be joined by the guest speaker Steven Kay, an expert in Robotics from GMV NSL, to discuss the Space FOM experiences from HRAF Pilot 3. This pilot focused on the development of an HLA Space FOM federation specialized for space exploration scenarios such as Mars Sample Return. The webinar comes highly recommended for System Architects, Software Developers and Robotics Engineers looking to build advanced space simulations involving multiple models, MATLAB, hardware and processors in the loop.
Pitch Visual OMT Features You Need to Know

Nicke Sievert
Join us for a demonstration of some of the powerful features of Pitch Visual OMT product that is designed to develop and evolve Federation Object Model (FOM) of your distributed simulation project with ease and stability. This technical demonstration will cover some of the common best practices built into the Rule Engine, support for older and upcoming HLA versions, as well as exporting FOM to a human readable format.
The session will feature:
- Rule Engine demonstration
- HLA 4 class merging
- Import and export of older HLA versions
- Export of a FOM to PDF
- Compare FOMs
This webinar comes highly recommended for System Architects, Software Developers and Project Managers of distributed simulation projects using HLA, whether you are a current user of Pitch Visual OMT or interested in learning about the product.
Pitch Extender Features You Need to Know

Tom Gray
Pitch Extender creates a bridge between two different HLA federations. It allows you to connect federates that need to be in the same execution, but have differences that would otherwise not allow them to communicate properly. For example, federates that use different RTI vendors and FOMs or have incompatible performance limitations.
This webinar will guide you through the common Pitch Extender use cases, and demonstrate how Extender’s features can be best used to solve them. The webinar promises to give some valuable insights to Project Managers, System Engineers and Software Developers looking for cost effective bridging solutions for advanced distributed simulation systems for defence, space, ATC and other applications.
Building a Unified Infrastructure for Distributed Simulation

Tom Gray
Pitch Infrastructure is used in thousands of organizations for large and small distributed simulations including NASA, ESA, the UK Royal Air Force, Boeing, Mitsubishi and others. This webinar will provide an overview of some of the challenges in building distributed simulations and how Pitch Infrastructure family of products are addressing these challenges using an open standards based backbone with performance, robustness and scalability.
The webinar is a must-attend if you are a Project Manager, System Engineer or Software Developer looking to embark on building advanced and enduring distributed simulation systems for defence, space, ATC and other applications where distributed simulations are composed using components from multiple sources – government-off-the-shelf, commercial-off-the-shelf or in-house solutions. Modern simulation solutions such as Digital Twins are increasingly distributed on computing resources over local and wide area networks often using Cloud technologies. A unified simulation infrastructure is needed to integrate all components and data streams (HLA/DIS based simulations, gaming, audio, video, data links and more) in a coherent fashion for development, real time execution and after action play back and guarantee that data streams are synchronised, simulation results are valid, and produce expected outputs.
Simulating Tactical Data Links

Fredrik Antelius and Laurent Mounet (CS Group)
Tactical Data Links (TDL) are increasingly used by different NATO countries to obtain a clear tactical situation ( Units, Tracks, Geographic reports, Command, Control, Electromagnetic Warfare information…). Simulation is used to test and validate TDL services provided by real TDL systems over military protocols like SIMPLE or JREAP-C. However, interoperable LVC simulations depend on common standards to such as DIS and HLA for information exchange.
This webinar will provide an overview of TDLs and associated standards, and how commercial products such as TactX from CS Group implements TDLs for LVC simulation using open standards. It will discuss some of the methods of exchanging TDL information between LVC systems by taking an experimentation around the Gripen aircraft as a use case. The webinar will also provide foresight of some of the features coming part of the future HLA 4 standard such as Link16 and RPR FOM merging without conflicts. The webinar will be highly recommended for System Architects, Simulation Project Managers and Developers.
Pitch Media Streamer Features You Need to Know

Thomas Brännström
With Pitch Media Streamer you can freely mix simulation data and media streams in your training and analysis activities. Capture, monitor and distribute student screens and video camera streams. Record and playback your streams fully synchronized with your simulation data for after action review and feedback. Monitor and review exercises across different sites.
This webinar will give an overview of the Pitch Media Streamer, but also talk about how to set up, how to capture video streams, control the routing of video streams, record video streams, and how to display video streams, all over HLA. We will give you some tips and tricks on how to maximize the benefit of the Pitch Media Streamer, how to stream huge amount of video data over HLA.
This webinar comes highly recommended for System Architects, Integrators and Software Developers of distributed simulation projects using HLA, whether you are a current user of Pitch Media Streamer or interested in learning about the product.
Need hands-on HLA Training?
If you need a full HLA Training course for your developer team, we can offer that too remotely!
Contact us at [email protected] to arrange training courses tailored specifically for your needs.