EUROCONTROL, EUROCAE and Pitch would like to invite you to the free webinar on HLA & Air Traffic Control Simulation.
Agenda: 10 of June 14:00 CEST / 13:00 BST / 08:00 US ET
- 14:00 Introduction to the Webinar
- 14:05 Real-time platforms of future Air Traffic Control and simulation based validation using HLA
by Thomas Damm (DFS), Jean-Christophe Cota (EUROCONTROL), Martin Johansson (Pitch Technologies) - 15:05 Break
- 15:20 Pitch’s contribution to the ongoing efforts of EUROCAE
by Boris Pothier and Martin Johansson (Pitch Technologies) - 16:10 Close
The webinar will be delivered via WebEx.
For questions contact: [email protected]
Building a Simulation Infrastructure for the Next Generation European Air Traffic Management System
SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research) programme is the primary vehicle founded to demonstrate the viability of the technological and operational solutions for the European Union’s Single European Sky (SES) initiative.
In support of SESAR, EUROCAE leads a number of technical standardisation activities. One of the task forces within EUROCAE, WG-81, is focused on analysing the means, opportunities and technical challenges to enhance the functionality and behaviour of real-time ATM platforms by linking different real-time platforms and by incorporating fast-time models and tools in the run. WG-81 also looks into study requirements for this interoperability and examines the requirements for common data interchange standards, data preparation facilities and high-level exchange protocols.
EUROCONTROL, EUROCAE and Pitch Technologies (Pitch) have been cooperating in support of the above activities and the development of a standardized distributed simulation information exchange model based on ATM Validation Platforms Interoperability Specification (ED-147).
Join us in this webinar to get a detail account of the above ongoing activity and discuss some of the challenges in developing a simulation interoperability infrastructure for building the next generation European Air Traffic Management system.
Discussion Topics
The webinar will be presented in two parts with a short break in between.
The first part will start with an overview of EUROCAE’s activities focusing the Interoperability of ATM Validation Platforms, specifically the work of WG81 Group, which has led to the standardization of an information exchange model called ED-147. It will also discuss the ongoing cooperation between parties to develop a computerized procedure that ingests ED-147 to create a federation object model (FOM) for HLA based distributed simulation.
The second part of the webinar will present a detailed account of Pitch’s contribution to the project developing FOM ED147, associated products and some of the technical challenges.
Thomas Damm
Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH and the Chairman of WG 81
Jean-Christophe Cota
Martin Johansson
Pitch Technologies
Boris Pothier
Pitch Technologies
Patrick Penot (moderator)
Pitch Technologies
The EASCG was created as a joint advisory group to coordinate the European ATM-related standardisation activities, essentially stemming from the European ATM Master Plan, in support of Single European Sky (SES) implementation. EUROCAE plays a leading role in this coordination group.
For more information visit www.eurocae.net
EUROCONTROL is an intergovernmental organisation with 41 Member and 2 Comprehensive Agreement States. We are committed to building, together with our partners, a Single European Sky (SES) that will deliver the air traffic management (ATM) performance required for the twenty-first century and beyond.
For more information visit www.eurocontrol.int
About Pitch Technologies
Founded in 1991 in Linkoping, Sweden, Pitch Technologies is the world leader in interoperability products and services for training and simulation. Pitch has sold more than 130,000 software licenses to aerospace and defence customers in 38 countries. Pitch’s products make systems work together using open standards. Pitch has offices in Sweden, France, UK and USA. Pitch is a BAE Systems company.
For more information visit www.pitchtechnologies.com