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Success Stories

The World’s Largest Peace Support Training Event

The Viking Exercise series is the world’s premier training exercise that uses the Comprehensive Approach. The exercises are Sweden/US led and involves more than 30 nations. More than 2500 persons are generally involved, most of them staff being trained at different levels. The scenario circles around a Peace and Crisis

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Pitch safety

Log4j statement

Recently a vulnerability in some versions of Log4j has been discovered, as described in CVE-2021-44228 in the NIST National Vulnerability Database. Pitch products do not contain, or are distributed with this package. Users that themselves have installed vulnerable versions of this library together with a Pitch product are strongly recommended

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High-performance Synchronized Video, Audio, Data Capture, and Replay

From Defense Modelling and Simulation to Energy and Utilities, mission-critical sectors record large volumes of real-time data that is subject to replay review and analysis post event. For sectors that rely on accurate data, a major challenge is ensuring video, audio, and data are precisely synchronized. Pitch Technologies will describe

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Success Stories

The NATO Education and Training Network

NATO MSG (Modeling and Simulation Groups) develops the new NATO training architecture. Being a large international organisation, distributed training is key for cost efficiency. HLA and simulation infrastructure products from Pitch has enabled this. Pitch has helped the NATO MSG to create the infrastructure for their distributed simulation, enabling training

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Success Stories

Simulations for the NH90 Helicopter

NH90 is the new European midsized, twin-engine, multi-role helicopter. HLA Evolved was a firm requirement for the NH90 crew tactical trainer, which contains a Medium Range Training Device and a Full Mission Flight Simulator. The Simulator project selected the state of the art HLA products from Pitch; Visual OMT, Pitch

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Success Stories

Developing Air Traffic Management Procedures

As Europe is opening up the common Airspace within the EU, the ATM organisation Eurocontrol is in responsible for making sure all is done with safety in focus. The simulation project “Single European Sky” is the tool for achieving this. The project uses simulation to develop, evaluate and train new

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Pitch Media Streamer Features You Need To Know

With Pitch Media Streamer you can freely mix simulation data and media streams in your training and analysis activities. Capture, monitor and distribute student screens and video camera streams. Record and playback your streams fully synchronized with your simulation data for after action review and feedback. Monitor and review exercises

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