A Persistent Simulation Enterprise
Pitch Booster enables you to easily run your simulations between different sites, no matter if they are far away, if they are behind firewalls or if the communication links are slow or unreliable. With a Booster installed in each location, it looks like all simulations are in the same room.
Pitch Booster™ is also a revolution when it comes to simplifying network and firewall configuration issues, enabling you to quickly setup and run one or many federation executions across your organizations WAN or over the Internet.
Connect any number of federates, federations and RTIs. Pitch Booster™ is firewall friendly – make one minor modification only once.
Pitch Booster enables you to build national and international training networks within your own organization and with partners. Perform distributed analysis or engineering between different sites in your organization. Use the power of the Cloud and connect simulations in the Cloud with your local simulations.
With Pitch Booster you can connect to remote simulations, just as if they were in the same room and on the same network. Make your systems work together using Pitch pRTI and the HLA standard. Discover and interoperate with assets in local and remote sites. Run several exercises and RTIs in parallell over one Booster network.
Pitch Booster enables you to connect sites even if they have less than perfect connections. Deploy training systems in the field using 3G and 4G mobile networks. Install simulations in remote sites where high speed networking is unavailable. Benefit from simulation and training almost anywhere.
Pitch Booster enables your simulations to stay on your local network while interoperating with simulations on other sites. There is no need to modify your existing corporate network or to move your simulations to dedicated networks or VPNs. Pitch Booster works well behind firewalls. Install Pitch Booster once and interoperate as much as you need without complicated reconfigurations.
Get the full version together with world-class support and updates through Pitch and our Distributors.
You may also request a 30 day evaluation of the full version.
Booster-enabled products
Supported Standards through pRTI
Network Features
Operating Systems