Evolving Standards for Tactical Data Link Aware Simulators

ABSTRACT: The ability to simulate Tactical Data Links is becoming increasingly important in order to more accurately represent the modern battlespace. There is also a need to be able to connect with or simulate commercial use data links such as ADS­B and AIS. LVC applications may rely on the integration between simulation systems and real data links in order to integrate live entities into a simulated scenario in applications ranging from test and evaluation to training. There is also a growing number of COTS simulation tools available that support integration with
data links.

This paper will discuss the need for inclusion of a data link FOM module in the upcoming RPR­FOM v 3.0 which supports various data links such as Link 11, Link 16 and the upcoming Link 22. The paper also discusses the need for supporting a more generic interaction with data links that would enable integration of various simulation CGF components with less effort and enable COTS tools to evolve with a broader support for dif erent data links.

Authors: Patrik Svensson, Stefan Sandberg, Fredrik Antelius, Laurent Ferriani, Laurent Mounet
Publication: Proceedings of 2016 Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop, 2016-SIW-042, Simulation Interoperability
Standards Organization, September 2016

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